Carmina Burana
Carl Orff

On Tuesday 29 April, the Muziekgebouw Eindhoven will host a special performance of Carl Orff's masterpiece Carmina Burana. Eindhoven Student Music Society Quadrivium and the Philips' Philharmonic Choir will collaborate in this impressive production. This performance marks the 12th lustrum of Quadrivium, which is celebrating its 60th anniversary with a series of high-profile concerts.

The singers of the Philips Choir and Quadrivium's choir Vokollage will be accompanied by Auletes, the harmony orchestra of Quadrivium. Together with three top soloists, they will leave an unforgettable impression.

The monumental Carmina Burana focuses on the themes of fate, love and the joy of life. The captivating "O Fortuna" forms the dramatic opening of an evening full of fiery sounds and subtle moments of tranquility. Enjoy the power and intensity of Orff's music in the excellent acoustics of the Muziekgebouw.

We will perform the Carmina Burana in both the Muziekgebouw Frits Philips in Eindhoven on Tuesday, April 29, 2025 and in Opus 9, the Theresiakerk, in Maastricht on Saturday, May 3.